By right-clicking on the links you can download FOR FREE utilities, Italian law excerpts, spreadsheets, and, last but not least, our engineer office portfolio.


Searching for a pending civil proceeding on whatever civil court in Italy, by using the PORTAL OF ONLINE SERVICES in the Ministry of Justice website.

Excerpt from the Italian code of civil procedure [pdf]

Excerpt from the Italian code of criminal procedure [pdf]

Excerpt from the Italian civil code [pdf]

Excerpt from the Italian criminal code [pdf]

Presidential Decree 115 30/05/2002 about justice expenditures and court-appointed experts [pdf]

Ministerial Decree 30/05/2002: court-appointed expert fee revision [pdf]

LINK to the Italian Automobile Club (ACI) updated mileage list

Spreadsheet for general damage fees issued by court-appointed experts [xls]

Spreadsheet for particular damage fees issued by court-appointed experts [xls]

Spreadsheet for plant estimation fees issued by court-appointed experts [xls]

Spreadsheet for property assessable value fees issued by court-appointed experts [xls]

Specimen of court-appointed expert's technical report [doc]


(expired) technical rules on structures 14.01.2008 [pdf]

Last-updated technical rules on structures 17.01.2018[pdf]

Last-updated safety rules [pdf]

Programme for structural FRP reinforcements [zip]

Programme on pile load carrying capacity according to the Italian D.M. 14/01/2008 [zip]


Plant general rules [pdf]

Tuscany regulations according to the Italian D.M. 37/2008 [pdf]

Air Treatment plants - Spreadsheet for head loss [pdf]

Other useful information is available on the following website:


Click HERE to read information from the observatory for the property market.

For further information about Docfa and Pregeo software, please refer to this LINK.


Programme to fill out postal payment slips [zip]

Programme to create flowcharts [exe]

2013 NEW REGULATIONS: 65% tax allowance on building ameliorations after siesmic shock up to € 92.000, according to the Italian Decree Law nr. 63/2013, amended and supplemented by the following Italian Law nr. 90/2013.
Law nr. 90/2013 which amends the Decree Law 63/2013 [pdf]

Decree Law 63/2013 with information on the tax allowances [pdf]

2012 tax allowance handbook on building renovations [pdf]


Research and Development [pdf]Sonic Tomography for structural purposes [pdf]