By right-clicking on the links you can download Italian law excerpts related to the earthquake of August 24th, and to the greater one of October 30th that damaged badly Umbria, Marche, Abruzzo and Lazio.
The following laws, provide the rules to claim public funds to repair or rebuilt the damaged structures.

Prieview: extended to July 30th 2018 the last term to present the economic claim on buildings with low damages (damage level B-C)

Decree No. 189 (October 17th 2016) [pdf]

Law 229 (December 15th 2016) [pdf] - Application of Decree 189/2016

Determination No.4 (November 17th 2016) [pdf]

Determination No.5 (November 28th 2016) [pdf]

Determination No.8 (December 14th 2016) [pdf] - Light damages and calculation of the public funds

Determination No.10 (December 19th 2016) [pdf] - Determinations about the AEDES file - and also:
- The AeDES file [pdf] and
- The AeDES file compiling handbook [pdf]

Determination No.12 (January 9th 2017) [pdf] - Memorandum of understanding between the governor and the technical professional associations

Determination No.13 (January 9th 2017) [pdf] - measures for the damaged industries

Determination No.422 (16th December 2016) [pdf] - stop to AEDES inspections

Determination No.19 (April 07th 2017) [pdf] - Heavy damages and calculation of the public funds

Determination No.20 (April 07th 2017) [pdf] - modification to determinations No. 4-2016, 8-2016, 9-2016 and 15-2017

Determination No.60 (July 31st 2018) [pdf] - possibility of further fiscal bonus called "sisma bonus" on the building restorations

Unique list of the prices for restoration [pdf] - Price list to be used in restoration projects in ABRUZZO-MARCHE-UMBRIA-LAZIO

An article: the hidden costs behind the public funds claim [pdf] There are hidden costs to be paid for those who partecipate to the restoration with public funds!

We are ready to help whoever had his house damaged, to prepare the economic claim.